The Foundation is excited to share with you the 2022 Fall Enrichment offerings!
This Fall, we are offering 6 weeks, all of which are run by our own EFS faculty members and outside vendors. We continue to offer online payments through MobileArq.
​Morning classes will begin at 7:30am and end at 8:20am. Afternoon classes begin immediately after school, from 3:05pm-4:25pm. All classes are held on school premises. All enrichment classes will follow the current EFS COVID protocols. Please remember to send your child with a snack. If your child attends after-care, they will be taken after their enrichment class to Tiny Treasures, where they can commence after-care from 4:25pm. If children are picked up late (after 4:35pm), a late charge of $10 per child is applied.
Please note: Children must only be signed up for classes offered for their specific grade.
Spaces are limited. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and a number of classes get sold out quickly.
If you have any questions, please reach out to efsenrichment@gmail.com.
Disclaimer: The Foundation reserves the right to make changes to the schedule, if needed.
Fall Session (September - December) Details
Pricing: All classes are $180 each.
Class Dates:
Tuesday’s (6 weeks): 10/18, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/29, 12/6 (makeup 12/13)
Wednesday’s (6 weeks): 10/19, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30, 12/7 (makeup 12/14)
Thursday’s (6 weeks): 10/20, 11/3, 11/17, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15 (makeup 12/22)
Makeup Policy: We are building in one week at the end of each session for any makeups due to teacher illness or weather issues.
Tuesday Classes (6 Weeks)
Programming w/ Drones - Pannullo (3-6): It's a bird! It's a plane! Wait, it's a drone! Have fun learning to code programming drones to solve real life tasks.
Money Math - Artsy Smartsy (K-3): Kids get a taste of what it’s like to use money and save it, as we add, subtract, multiply and divide in a weekly game of “Store.” They earn play money in the “job” of their choice, learning the value of a dollar and how to count bills and coins, and keep a record of their transactions. They purchase small items and learn to spend responsibly in this fun class.
American Girls - Artsy Smartsy (K-5): Join us and explore the worlds of our favorite American Girl Dolls. Learn about the times in which they live and make wonderful art, hear their stories and make their favorite recipes. Enjoy their stories and even write one of your own! (Dolls are welcome to come to club time!)
Clay Play - Artsy Smartsy (K-3): Join in the fun as we explore many different ways to create with clay. Throughout history pottery has been the container of choice for storing, serving and preserving foods, liquids and other goods in the home and hearth. It has also been the medium of choice for making jewelry and other decorative items that enhance our lives and build self-esteem. We’ll use air dry clay to sculpt and mold, make jewelry and kinetic art with polymer clay and have an awesome time with everyone’s favorite - Model Magic!
Wednesday Classes (6 Weeks)
Coding Jr. - Pannullo (K-3): Coding is the new literacy! Our youngsters will learn computer programming and block coding using fun games, iPads, computers and dash dots.
Dino Adventure - Artsy Smartsy (K-3): Dinosaurs ruled the earth for millions of years. Then
suddenly they disappeared. Learn all about dinosaurs as we take an adventure back in time. Find out which dinosaur was the largest, which was the smallest, which had the most horns, the longest neck, or which ate the most food. Learn which dinosaurs evolved into animals of our own time and create awesome art projects in paint, collage and clay as we work our way through our own awesome Jurassic Park!
Food for Thought - Artsy Smartsy (3-6): Let’s have fun with food and make some no - stove
recipes that turn into art we can eat! We’ll do cake decorating, make sculpted food art, snacks, fancy
sandwiches, both sweet and savory, and have a party every week as we make and eat simple treats, and
build recipe books while we learn about nutrition and healthy eating.
Chess Level 2 - Artsy Smartsy (3-6): This is not your same old Chess class! You’ll study chess with a Master at your own skill level while you learn how to set up a board, how the pieces move, and how the game develops. Students play chess matches each week and are paired by skill level. There are also some creative surprises that will help you to play and understand the game and how it developed through history into the most popular game in the world today.
Football Frenzy - Wieczorek (4-6): Learn, watch, score! Did you know that Football is really a game of numbers, and the study of statistics is essential for understanding the game? Students join Miss Wieczorek for some football talk and to work on a variety of skills including organizing data, probability and even some football trivia. Math skills and football - What could be better?
Thursday Classes (6 weeks)
Chess Level 1 - Artsy Smartsy (K-3): Younger students will work closely with a Master while learning how to set up a board, how the pieces move, and how the game develops. Students play chess matches each week and are paired by skill level. There are also some creative surprises that will help you to play and understand the game and how it developed through history into the most popular game in the world today.
Legos Challenge - Artsy Smartsy (K-3): Join in the fun as we use our bricks to build projects together, or accept the challenge to create some new and amazing things on your own. Build some cool creatures, gadgets, vehicles and buildings while you learn structural, mechanical and civil engineering principles and stretch your imagination! Lego bricks are provided but will not be taken home. (Students each receive a mini build kit as a take away at the end of the series.)
eSports - Pannullo (4-6): Kids will work together to form teams and devise strategies to compete against one another in popular video games like Rocket League and Minecraft.
Volleyball - Brown (4-6): The volleyball club will be offered to students grades 4-6. The club will provide students with the basic skills of volleyball and how the game is played. Students will participate in different drills, games and activities that correlate with the sport. This club is a great way for students to introduce themselves to this amazing life long sport.
DISCLAIMER: By registering for these classes on MobileArq, you acknowledge that named applicant is
emotionally ready, is in good health, and has your permission to participate in this program. You agree that there are no refunds after the first week of classes. You also agree to pay the late pick-up fee of $10 for each child picked-up after 4:35 on any enrichment day.
TO ORDER: Log onto MobileArq (it works much better from a Desktop). Go to Online Stores. At the top left drop-down, select "ESSEX FELLS FOUNDATION". Select the Session and Day for which you would like to register (repeat, if you would like to register for multiple days.) Please note you will need to order for each child separately (like you do for school lunches). For example, go in and select a specific class option for child A. Do not change the quantity. Select the child’s name and then add it to the cart. Then, continue shopping and place the order for child B, or for the next class for child A. Please make sure you specify which child you are ordering for with each class order.
CHECKOUT: PLEASE CHECKOUT WITH PAYPAL! Once you have placed your order, you will receive an e-mail confirmation. Please review it and make sure it contains everything you intended to order for the enrichment classes.