Grants are the core of the Foundation's mission, as they provide essential programs and resources that fall beyond state mandates. The abundant workload required to run the Foundation, its fundraising initiatives and programs is undertaken by volunteer parents and community members, in collaboration with EFS faculty members and administrators.
We are beholden to and extremely grateful for the financial contributions made my Essex Fells families and community members. To donate, please click here. Grants approved over the past years are listed below.
2015 Approved Grants
Staple Events, Programs & Supplies and Special Requests Sponsored by the Foundation:
Purchase of 3D Printer: For schoolwide use in Tech Lab and other special initiatives.
AIMSWEB Software & Training: A pilot program for K-2 students, this computer based tool to screen, progress monitor, and maintain records on students’ foundational skills in reading, writing and math, and help teachers identify students that might need early intervention.
Annual School Play: Peter Pan
STEAM Program
TREPS Marketplace: Introducing entrepreneurial skills to students
School Assemblies/Events: Freesytle Repertory Theatre, Hip Hop Fundamentals, Pushcart Players, Author Visit Diane De Groat
Stories w/ Holes & 24 Club: Teaching students logical reasoning and fostering critical thinking.
Art Club
Computer Club
Quiver Farms Visit
Sketch-Book Program for Kindergarten
Microphones for Annual School Play, concerts, and other performances.
Pottery Wheels for the Art Room
Recorders for Music Class
Enriching School Activities: Pick-A-Packet, Bingo Club
Math Family Night
Swim Program
Creative Writer’s Club
Art Show Supplies