The Essex Fells Foundation Needs Your Help!
The EFFEE supports numerous initiatives throughout the year for students at the Essex Fells school, including the Annual Variety Show and Musical, various student clubs, study hall, after school enrichment, and educator and student supplies. School budgets are tight and the EFFEE supports the curriculum to fortify the educational excellence we have all come to know and appreciate at EFS.
Last year's Big Give was a huge success, so we thank you, the Essex Fells community, for supporting our mission. In an effort to not inundate your inboxes and mailboxes, we are kicking off the 2nd Annual Big Give campaign, consolidating our fundraising time period to one very critical week in October with a single ask and the ease to donate online through the Big Give 2022.
From Monday, October 24th to Friday, October 28th, we ask you, the Essex Fells community, to help us reach our fundraising goal of $60,000. Without your donation, the programs that our students have benefited from each year will not be possible!
Please consider a tax-deductible donation to the Foundation’s BIG GIVE starting on October 24th (or sooner and we will count towards the Big Give) by clicking here: Big Give 2022